ARK and Villa Magna at TAG 2010

By on 20 December 2010.

At the recent Theoretical Archaeology Group conference in Bristol, Andy Dufton of L – P and Cori Fenwick of Stanford University presented a paper on the potential of ARK in promoting reflexivity in archaeological practice and how web-based tools can help with the analysis of complex medieval cemeteries.

Presented in the session “Thinking beyond the tool: archaeological computing and the interpretative process”, the paper “Beyond the Grave: Developing new tools for medieval cemetery analysis at Villa Magna, Italy” outlined some of the issues tackled at the Villa Magna Project and how the ARK system adoped at VM helped the team to think about interpretation in the field and beyond.

The proceedings of the session will be published as a British Archaeological Report in summer 2011, so check back for the full reference information. You can also download the ARK customisation used at Villa Magna, including the complex anthropological scheda, to use for your project.

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