Sf geo number
From ARK
The sf_geo_number is a subform for handling coordinate pairs. You can add two number fields to the form representing and x and a y coordinate and then the form will add the numbers to the database and also create a GML file containing all the coord pairs for that itemkey.
Additional Fields
- 'op_gml_location' - this is where the resultant GML file should be saved
- 'op_coord_fields' - an array containing two properly setup number fields. The first one in the array is taken to be easting, 2nd is northing
- 'op_projection' - the projection of the coords in EPSG format (e.g. "EPSG:27700" for British National Grid).
Example Configuration
$conf_mcd_geography = array( 'view_state' => 'max', 'edit_state' => 'view', 'sf_nav_type' => 'full', 'sf_title' => 'geography', 'sf_html_id' => 'job_geography', // Must be unique 'script' => 'php/subforms/sf_geo_number.php', 'op_label' => 'space', 'op_input' => 'save', 'fields' => array( $conf_field_easting, $conf_field_northing ), 'op_gml_location' => "$ark_server_path\data\mapping\job_pt.gml", 'op_coord_fields' => array( $conf_field_easting, $conf_field_northing ), 'op_projection' => 'EPSG:27700' );