Markup Administration
From ARK
New Markup
It is important when configuring Subforms to ensure the correct markup has been added to ARK. The configuration of Navigation and Left Panel will also often require markup.
To enter new markup, use the 'Markup' Navigation Tab and select 'Add New Markup'. The page will prompt you for all the relevant information:
- nickname - The markup nickname (MUST match the sf_title)
- markup - The markup text
- language - The markup language (languages are held in cor_tbl_language)
- description - A short description of the markup
Batch Translate Markup
By selecting 'Batch Translate Markup' ARK will generate a table with all current markup available for each recorded language. This table can then be sent for translation. The translations can then be batch imported using the batch markup import tool. As this tool is still in development please contact the [ARK Development Team] for more information.