Configuring file registration

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If you are looking for a how-to for using the file registration system then this page will be more help: How-to: Register and Upload Files

In order to utilise the new dataclass of 'file' there are a few changes that need to be made to your currently existing database and also the config files.

Firstly you need to make sure you have the gd extension turned on in your php.ini - this varies by distribution - so check out your documentation for your specific Apache distribution.

Run the following SQL in phpMyAdmin to create the tables:

 CREATE TABLE `cor_lut_file` (
 `id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
 `filename` varchar( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ,
 `module` varchar( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ,
 `batch` varchar( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '0',
 `cre_by` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
 `cre_on` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
 PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
 ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_unicode_ci;
CREATE TABLE `ARK_DB_NAME`.`cor_tbl_file` (
`id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`itemkey` varchar( 50 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '',
`itemvalue` varchar( 30 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '',
`file` varchar( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '',
`cre_by` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`cre_on` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
FULLTEXT KEY `txt` ( `file` )
) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT = 'Allows frags of class file to be linked';

First set the registered files directory in the env_settings.php. This directory needs to exist and be writeable by the www user.

 $registered_files_dir = $ark_server_path . '/data/files/';

You will then have to make sure you have 2 files in that directory (the folder and files should already exist if you have got a fresh copy of the codebase)

  • blank.jpg
  • tahomabd.ttf

Now add a field to handle the files in field_settings.php

 $conf_field_file =
       'dataclass' => 'file',
       'classtype' => 'file',
       'alias_tbl' => 'cor_lut_file',
       'alias_col' => 'id',
       'alias_src_key' => '1',
       'alias_type' => '1',
       'editable' => TRUE,
       'hidden' => FALSE,
       'add_validation' => $file_add_validation,
       'edt_validation' => $file_edt_validation

As you have stated in the above field settings that you will be using the file_add and file_edt validation - you need to set those up in your vd_settings.php

 // file - request and chkSet
 $file_vd_file =
       'rq_func' => 'reqMulti',
       'vd_func' => 'chkSkipBlank',
       'var_name' => 'file',
       'lv_name' => 'dyn_field',
       'var_locn' => 'request'
 // file - request and chkSet
 $file_vd_requiredfile =
       'rq_func' => 'reqMulti',
       'vd_func' => 'chkSet',
       'var_name' => 'file',
       'lv_name' => 'dyn_field',
       'var_locn' => 'request'
 // 4 - Compound items
 // itemkey - request and chkSet
 $file_vd_key =
       'rq_func' => 'reqMulti',
       'vd_func' => 'chkSet',
       'var_name' => 'itemkey',
       'lv_name' => 'item_key',
       'var_locn' => 'live'
 // file - request and chkSet
 $file_vd_val =
       'rq_func' => 'reqItemVal',
       'vd_func' => 'chkSet',
       'var_name' => 'itemval',
       'lv_name' => 'itemval',
       'var_locn' => 'request',
       'req_keytype' => 'auto',
       'ret_keytype' => 'cd'
 // add file default validation group
 $file_add_validation =
 // edt file default validation group
 $file_edt_validation =

Finally add the field to the conf_register array in the mod_settings file, for example:

 $conf_register =
       'view_state' => 'max',
       'edit_state' => 'edit',
       'sf_title' => 'register', //appears in the titlebar of the subform (mk nname)
       'sf_html_id' => 'sph_cd_register', //the form id tag (must be unique)
       'script' => 'php/data_entry/register.php',
       'op_label' => 'save',
       'op_input' => 'save',
       'op_reg_mode' => 'sgl',
       'op_no_rows' => 15,
       'fields' => 

In order to allow you to choose the sizes of thumbnails an array called thumbnail_sizes can be set in page_settings.php.

It should be in the form:

$thumbnail_sizes =
        'arkthumb_width' => 100,
        'arkthumb_height' => 100,
        'webthumb_width' => 500,
        'webthumb_height' => 500

In order to make it easier for your users to get to the upload page - you may want to add a link onto the data_entry page (add this in page_settings.php) as a linklist, and add to the left panel subform (all further explained in the page_settings.php):

$link_list_admin[] = 
        'href' => "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?view=files", 
        'mknname' => 'uplfile',
        'img' => 'bigplus.png',
        'css_class' => FALSE,
        'lightbox' => FALSE,
$delp_subform_admin =
        'view_state' => 'max',
        'edit_state' => 'view',
        'sf_nav_type' => 'none',
        'sf_title' => 'delpadmin', 
        'sf_html_id' => 'delpadmin', // Must be unique
        'script' => 'php/subforms/sf_linklist.php',
        'op_label' => 'space',
        'op_input' => 'save',
        'op_linktype' => 'icon',
        'op_sf_cssclass' => 'module_list',
        'op_modtype' => FALSE, //if each modtype uses same fields (see below)
        'fields' => $link_list_admin

// Now package these subforms into an array for the left panel    
$data_entry_left_panel =
        'col_id' => 'delp',
        'col_alias' => FALSE,
        'col_type' => 'primary_col',
        'subforms' =>

If you then want to add the subform to make the files display in your micro_view you need to set up your subform conf (in the mod_settings.php file). This is an example (obviously you need to rename as appropriate):

$conf_mcd_fph =

      'view_state' => 'max',
      'edit_state' => 'view',
      'sf_title' => 'photo', //appears in the titlebar of the subform (mk nname)
      'sf_html_id' => 'spf_img_display', //the form id tag (must be unique)
      'script' => 'php/subforms/sf_file_imageflow.php',
      'sf_nav_type' => 'name',
      'op_lightbox' => TRUE,
      'op_default_dir' => 'data/files',
      'fields' =>
