Who is ARK for?


ARK was originally designed for (and by) archaeologists, with an emphasis on excavation recording. It also supports paleoenvironmental research, the study of human remains, archaeological survey, geophysics, remote sensing, bibliographic databases and image collections.

Cultural Heritage Managers

ARK is not just for field archaeologists and their specialist collaborators, but also for a wide range of cultural heritage professionals. It is equally well-suited for site and objects conservators, museum professionals and anyone else involved in the care and study of the world’s built heritage.

Commercial and Academic Projects

ARK is ideal for use in the commercial, non-profit and academic sectors alike. It is light and quick and intuitive enough for use in the fast-paced world of commercial archaeology, but robust enough for the large, international academic research projects and non-profit cultural resource management work.

Non-computer Specialists

Because ARK’s interface is completely web-based, it requires no highly-specialised computer skills to use. If you have ever browsed the internet, you can use ARK. The initial set-up does require a bit of computer savvy, but once it’s up and running needs very little specialist attention.

It’s a system you can use to put your archaeological data on the web so that you can work on it and share it.