Upgrading ARK

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Download the latest ark release: v0.7

The ARK code is available for download from Sourceforge. It is highly recommended that you take a backup of the entire ARK directory before attempting to upgrade your system.

When the files have been downloaded, unzip the file and move all of the contents to your ARK directory. The location of directory will change depending on your setup, but for a standard ms4w is located at C:/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/ark. When copying replace all existing v0.6 files EXCEPT for the 'config' and 'data' folders! IF YOU HAVE MADE CHANGES TO THE STYLESHEET FOR YOUR ARK PROJECT, YOU WILL ALSO NOT COPY THE 'SKINS' DIRECTORY.

If successful, you should be able to log in to your ARK as before. There are a couple of minor changes that will need to be made to your settings and configuration files, we will take you through these now on a case by case basis.

Change your settings.php file

2.1.Several additions which were made to the settings.php file in v0.7 need to be manually entered into the previous settings file remaining from v0.6 (C:/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/ark/config/settings.php).
2.1.1.Free Text Search Mode: Allows for either complex search options such as +, -, "", as well as plain free text searches.
2.1.2.Filter Permissions: Gives members of defined groups permissions to make search filters public/private.
2.1.3.Control List Permissions: Gives groups permissions to add items to controlled lists.
2.2.Copy-paste the new code into the settings.php file at the stated line location, in order to keep the various version configurations similar.
2.3. Screen shot of new code? / something that keeps the formatting

Changes your module specific settings

4.1. Several module settings may also need to be adjusted within sub-forms and detailed forms which use specific functions which are deprecated and no longer in use in v0.7.
4.2. All file sub-forms using 'sf_file_imageflow' (which is no longer in use) should instead use: 'sf_file', which handles the uploading and registering of files . Further details are here: http://ark.lparchaeology.com/wiki/index.php/Sf_file.
4.3.Detailed form settings using 'col_type' => 'collaps_col', need to change the col_type to 'primary_col'. 
4.4.Search controls for xmi links are now contained within the xmi sub-forms themselves, rather than in the settings.php file. An example configuration contained within … can be seen here: http://ark.lparchaeology.com/wiki/index.php/Sf_xmi . All xmi sub-forms should be edited accordingly.

Add new markup

3.1.Download the new markup.sql (location?).
3.2.Open the file in a text editor and copy the text. Open and sign into phpMyAdmin, selecting the appropriate ARK database. Select the SQL tab and paste the SQL query from the text file into the window and select Go. This should successfully update the database with the new markup. 

Make optional changes to cor_tbl_wwwpages
