Subform Options

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Optional settings should all be defined using the 'op_' prefix. The optional settings described here are generic to all subforms. Other script specific settings should be documented IN THAT SCRIPT.

This is a rough and ready list of op_ setting that can be added to subforms. Options are by their nature optional. Do NOT add any options that must be set (these should be given proper names and descibed under Subform Requirements).

  • op_label - the label for the options row of the form (markup nname)
  • op_input - the label to appear in the button (markup nname)
  • op_register_mod - used to change sf_key of the register sf, embedded registers need this (note this is fundamental in overlays as you would only use this to add records in a different module)
  • op_modtype - TRUE (using different fields for each modtype) or FALSE (using one fields list for all different modtypes)
  • op_src_meta_display - required in any subform with a mini search box made by mkSearchSimple(), requires an array ($conf_mod_res_meta_fields) to be setup for the module being searched, this option switches on the display of meta fields for the module being searched (eg always show a contact's name when searching the ABK)