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The document root of the virtual host in which this instance of ARK resides. This directive specifies a path relative to the server's file system. Therefore the path must relate to the root of the relevant filesystem beginning with a forward slash on Linux of Mac and with a drive letter on Windows. As the path references the docroot itself, not its contents, no trailing slash is required. This should match your docroot directive in the virtual hosts setup of your webserver.
The document root of the virtual host in which this instance of ARK resides. This directive specifies a path relative to the server's file system. Therefore the path must relate to the root of the relevant filesystem beginning with a forward slash on Linux or Mac and with a drive letter on Windows.
As the path references the docroot itself, not its contents, no trailing slash is required. This should match your docroot directive in the virtual hosts setup of your webserver.

Revision as of 20:40, 4 December 2012

This file contains settings for the specific server environment. This is to separate the settings relating to the server environment from the settings that relate directly to the instance of ARK itself. In order to make life easier for admins, three standard types of server environments are included in the default file. Currently ARK is provided with default setups for Windows, Mac, or Linux servers.

The env_settings.php file is configured in a standard ARK to be included from within the standard settings.php file and should not need to be included by name into any page.

The directives in this file relate mostly to paths, some attention needs to be paid to ensuring that these paths exist and are readable by your webserver. Some paths also need to be writeable.

As a rule, you should first switch to the correct type of server environment and then verify the paths for that specific environment. If you are using a Windows server, you ONLY edit the settings for windows.



Server Type


The type of server being used. Once selected, the directives for that server type need to be verified.

  • Permitted options: = linux|mac|windows

General Paths


The document root of the virtual host in which this instance of ARK resides. This directive specifies a path relative to the server's file system. Therefore the path must relate to the root of the relevant filesystem beginning with a forward slash on Linux or Mac and with a drive letter on Windows.

As the path references the docroot itself, not its contents, no trailing slash is required. This should match your docroot directive in the virtual hosts setup of your webserver.



$doc_root = '/srv/www/htdocs/ark/';


$doc_root = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs';


$doc_root = 'C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs';
  • $pear_path - The path to your PEAR installation
  • $ark_server_path - The full server path to your ARK directory
  • $ark_dir - Your ARK directory
  • $ark_db - Your ARK database
  • $sql_server - The MySQL server
  • $sql_user - The MySQL user who will make db calls
  • $sql_pwd - The MySQL user password

Export Paths

  • $export_dir - The export directory where CSV and files are stored when exported

File Paths

  • $registered_files_dir - The directory where files are stored after they are registered
  • $registered_files_host - ***
  • $default_upload_dir - The top directory of the file directory, can only search below this folder for uploading files
  • $phMagickDir - phMagick directory, if using for Image Conversion

Mapping Paths

  • $ark_maptemp_dir - Path to temporary map directory (on server)
  • $ark_web_maptemp_dir - Path to temporary map directory (on web)
  • $openlayers_path - Path to OpenLayers on local server, or alternatively pointed to OpenLayers API
  • $ark_wms_map - If you are using Mapserver via the ark_wxs_server.php, you will need to specify the location of the relevant map files (WMS and WFS)
  • $ark_wfs_map - If you are using Mapserver via the ark_wxs_server.php, you will need to specify the location of the relevant map files (WMS and WFS)

Example Setups

Example setups are provided in the env_settings.php file provided in the packaged code.