Configuring RSS Feeds
From ARK
It is possible to create an RSS feed of any saved filterset. What this means is that you can save a query (for instance, "What contexts have been assigned to Stuart Eve") - and then Subscribe to the RSS export for that saved filterset - which will update your RSS reader with the latest results.
This is quite easy to set-up, but there are some additions you will need to make to your settings file. This is simply a matter of adding an extra array into your export_conf_array in each of the mod_settings:
$RSS_short_desc = $conf_field_short_desc; $RSS_short_desc['op_tag_RSSExt'] = 'description'; $cxt_export_conf = array( 'CSV' => array( 'op_field_delimiter' => ',', 'op_text_delimiter' => ' ', 'export_fields' => array( $conf_field_issuedon, $conf_field_definition,
) ), 'XMLItemList' => array('empty' ), 'XMLItem' => array('empty' ), 'RSSExt' => array( 'export_fields' => array( $RSS_short_desc ) ), );